One of the advantages of using MCCV is it’s data-driven approach. Given data, you can answer questions such as:
How predictive is Y from X?
Is a certain cut of the data driving the prediction?
Is there another variable obscuring or influencing the contribution of X in predicting Y?
In this article I want to illustrate another type of question MCCV can address:
How does the prediction of Y by X compare to the prediction by X to a random Y? In other words, what is the power of my data X to predict Y?
I will discuss at the end how the term ‘power’ is used here in comparison to the statistical and more common form of the term. First, I will show two examples showing the power of X to predict Y.
This first example shows low power
Show The Code
import numpy as np
N= 100
X1 = np.random.normal(loc= 0 ,scale= 1 ,size= N)
X2 = np.random.normal(loc= 0.5 ,scale= 1 ,size= N)
X = np.concatenate([X1,X2])
Y = np.concatenate([np.repeat(0 ,N),np.repeat(1 ,N)])
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(data= {'Y' : Y,'X' : X}) = 'pt'
Show The Code
library (tidyverse)
df <- reticulate:: py$ df
df[['Y' ]] <- factor (df$ Y,levels= c (0 ,1 ))
df %>%
ggplot (aes (Y,X)) +
geom_boxplot (outlier.size = NA ,alpha= 0 ,linewidth= 2 ) +
geom_point (position = position_jitter (width = .2 ),pch= 21 ,fill= 'gray' ,size= 3 ) +
labs (x = "Response" ,y= "Predictor" ,title = "Predictor values for Class One are 50% larger on average" ) +
theme_bw (base_size = 16 )
Show The Code
import mccv
mccv_obj = mccv.mccv(num_bootstraps= 200 ,n_jobs= 4 )
mccv_obj.set_X(df[['X' ]])
mccv_obj.set_Y(df[['Y' ]])
mccv_obj.mccv_data['Feature Importance' ].insert(
len (mccv_obj.mccv_data['Feature Importance' ].columns),
'type' ,
mccv_obj.mccv_data['Model Learning' ].insert(
len (mccv_obj.mccv_data['Model Learning' ].columns),
'type' ,
mccv_obj.mccv_data['Patient Predictions' ].insert(
len (mccv_obj.mccv_data['Patient Predictions' ].columns),
'type' ,
mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Feature Importance' ].insert(
len (mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Feature Importance' ].columns),
'type' ,
mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Model Learning' ].insert(
len (mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Model Learning' ].columns),
'type' ,
mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Patient Predictions' ].insert(
len (mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Patient Predictions' ].columns),
'type' ,
fimp_df = \
(mccv_obj.mccv_data['Feature Importance' ].
query('feature=="X"' ).
reset_index(drop= True )),
(mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Feature Importance' ].
query('feature=="X"' ).
reset_index(drop= True ))
ppred_df = \
(mccv_obj.mccv_data['Patient Predictions' ].
drop('y_pred' ,axis= 1 ).
(mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Patient Predictions' ].
drop('y_pred' ,axis= 1 ))
pred_df = \
(mccv_obj.mccv_data['Model Learning' ].
(mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Model Learning' ].
Show The Code
pks <-
ks.test (
reticulate:: py$ pred_df %>%
filter (type== 'real' ) %>%
pull (validation_roc_auc),
reticulate:: py$ pred_df %>%
filter (type== 'permuted' ) %>%
pull (validation_roc_auc),
alternative = 'greater'
)[['p.value' ]]
pwilcox <-
wilcox.test (
reticulate:: py$ pred_df %>%
filter (type== 'real' ) %>%
pull (validation_roc_auc),
reticulate:: py$ pred_df %>%
filter (type== 'permuted' ) %>%
pull (validation_roc_auc)
)[['p.value' ]]
reticulate:: py$ pred_df %>%
ggplot (aes (validation_roc_auc,fill= type)) +
geom_histogram (aes (y= after_stat (count)),alpha= .5 ,binwidth = .05 ) +
scale_fill_brewer (palette = 'Set1' ,direction = - 1 ,
guide= guide_legend (title= NULL )) +
theme_bw () +
scale_x_continuous (
breaks= seq (0 ,1 ,0.05 ),
) +
labs (x= 'Validation AUROC from Model Learning' ,
y= 'Number of Validation AUROC values' ,
caption= paste0 ('Wilcox p-value = ' ,scales:: scientific (pwilcox,3 ),' \n ' ,
'Kolmogorov-Smirnov p-value = ' ,scales:: scientific (pks,3 ),' \n ' ,
'Real validation AUROC values are greater than Permuted validation AUROC values' ))
Show The Code
pks <-
ks.test (
reticulate:: py$ fimp_df %>%
filter (type== 'real' ) %>%
pull (importance),
reticulate:: py$ fimp_df %>%
filter (type== 'permuted' ) %>%
pull (importance)
)[['p.value' ]]
pwilcox <-
wilcox.test (
reticulate:: py$ fimp_df %>%
filter (type== 'real' ) %>%
pull (importance),
reticulate:: py$ fimp_df %>%
filter (type== 'permuted' ) %>%
pull (importance)
)[['p.value' ]]
reticulate:: py$ fimp_df %>%
ggplot (aes (importance,fill= type)) +
geom_histogram (aes (y= after_stat (count)),alpha= .5 ,binwidth = .2 ) +
scale_fill_brewer (palette = 'Set1' ,direction = - 1 ,
guide= guide_legend (title= NULL )) +
theme_bw () +
labs (x= 'Importance of X in Predicting Y' ,
y= 'Number of X importance values' ,
caption= paste0 ('Wilcox p-value = ' ,scales:: scientific (pwilcox,3 ),' \n ' ,
'Kolmogorov-Smirnov p-value = ' ,scales:: scientific (pks,3 ),' \n ' ,
'Real X importance values are greater than Permuted X importance values' ))
Show The Code
pks <-
ks.test (
reticulate:: py$ ppred_df %>%
filter (type== 'real' & y_true== 1 ) %>%
pull (y_proba),
reticulate:: py$ ppred_df %>%
filter (type== 'permuted' & y_true== 1 ) %>%
pull (y_proba)
)[['p.value' ]]
pwilcox <-
wilcox.test (
reticulate:: py$ ppred_df %>%
filter (type== 'real' & y_true== 1 ) %>%
pull (y_proba),
reticulate:: py$ ppred_df %>%
filter (type== 'permuted' & y_true== 1 ) %>%
pull (y_proba)
)[['p.value' ]]
reticulate:: py$ ppred_df %>%
arrange (pt,bootstrap) %>%
ggplot (aes (y_proba,fill= factor (y_true),group= y_true)) +
geom_histogram (aes (y= after_stat (count)),alpha= .5 ,binwidth = .01 ) +
scale_fill_brewer (NULL ,
palette = 'Set1' ,
direction = - 1 ,
labels= c ("Class 0" ,"Class 1" ),
guide= guide_legend (title= NULL )) +
facet_wrap (~ type,ncol= 1 ,scales= 'free' ) +
theme_bw () +
labs (x= 'Prediction Probability' ,
y= 'Number of Prediction Probabilities' ,
caption = paste0 ('Wilcox p-value = ' ,scales:: scientific (pwilcox,3 ),' \n ' ,
'Kolmogorov-Smirnov p-value = ' ,scales:: scientific (pks,3 ),' \n ' ,
'Real Class 1 probabilities are greater than Permuted Class 1 probabilities' ))
This next example shows high power
Show The Code
import numpy as np
N= 100
X1 = np.random.normal(loc= 0 ,scale= 1 ,size= N)
X2 = np.random.normal(loc= 2 ,scale= 1 ,size= N)
X = np.concatenate([X1,X2])
Y = np.concatenate([np.repeat(0 ,N),np.repeat(1 ,N)])
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(data= {'Y' : Y,'X' : X}) = 'pt'
Show The Code
library (tidyverse)
df <- reticulate:: py$ df
df[['Y' ]] <- factor (df$ Y,levels= c (0 ,1 ))
df %>%
ggplot (aes (Y,X)) +
geom_boxplot (outlier.size = NA ,alpha= 0 ,linewidth= 2 ) +
geom_point (position = position_jitter (width = .2 ),pch= 21 ,fill= 'gray' ,size= 3 ) +
labs (x = "Response" ,y= "Predictor" ,title = "Predictor values for Class One are 200% larger on average" ) +
theme_bw (base_size = 16 )
Show The Code
import mccv
mccv_obj = mccv.mccv(num_bootstraps= 200 ,n_jobs= 4 )
mccv_obj.set_X(df[['X' ]])
mccv_obj.set_Y(df[['Y' ]])
mccv_obj.mccv_data['Feature Importance' ].insert(
len (mccv_obj.mccv_data['Feature Importance' ].columns),
'type' ,
mccv_obj.mccv_data['Model Learning' ].insert(
len (mccv_obj.mccv_data['Model Learning' ].columns),
'type' ,
mccv_obj.mccv_data['Patient Predictions' ].insert(
len (mccv_obj.mccv_data['Patient Predictions' ].columns),
'type' ,
mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Feature Importance' ].insert(
len (mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Feature Importance' ].columns),
'type' ,
mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Model Learning' ].insert(
len (mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Model Learning' ].columns),
'type' ,
mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Patient Predictions' ].insert(
len (mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Patient Predictions' ].columns),
'type' ,
fimp_df = \
(mccv_obj.mccv_data['Feature Importance' ].
query('feature=="X"' ).
reset_index(drop= True )),
(mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Feature Importance' ].
query('feature=="X"' ).
reset_index(drop= True ))
ppred_df = \
(mccv_obj.mccv_data['Patient Predictions' ].
drop('y_pred' ,axis= 1 ).
(mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Patient Predictions' ].
drop('y_pred' ,axis= 1 ))
pred_df = \
(mccv_obj.mccv_data['Model Learning' ].
(mccv_obj.mccv_permuted_data['Model Learning' ].
Show The Code
pks <-
ks.test (
reticulate:: py$ pred_df %>%
filter (type== 'real' ) %>%
pull (validation_roc_auc),
reticulate:: py$ pred_df %>%
filter (type== 'permuted' ) %>%
pull (validation_roc_auc),
alternative = 'greater'
)[['p.value' ]]
pwilcox <-
wilcox.test (
reticulate:: py$ pred_df %>%
filter (type== 'real' ) %>%
pull (validation_roc_auc),
reticulate:: py$ pred_df %>%
filter (type== 'permuted' ) %>%
pull (validation_roc_auc)
)[['p.value' ]]
reticulate:: py$ pred_df %>%
ggplot (aes (validation_roc_auc,fill= type)) +
geom_histogram (aes (y= after_stat (count)),alpha= .5 ,binwidth = .05 ) +
scale_fill_brewer (palette = 'Set1' ,direction = - 1 ,
guide= guide_legend (title= NULL )) +
theme_bw () +
scale_x_continuous (
breaks= seq (0 ,1 ,0.05 ),
) +
labs (x= 'Validation AUROC from Model Learning' ,
y= 'Number of Validation AUROC values' ,
caption= paste0 ('Wilcox p-value = ' ,scales:: scientific (pwilcox,3 ),' \n ' ,
'Kolmogorov-Smirnov p-value = ' ,scales:: scientific (pks,3 ),' \n ' ,
'Real validation AUROC values are greater than Permuted validation AUROC values' ))
Show The Code
pks <-
ks.test (
reticulate:: py$ fimp_df %>%
filter (type== 'real' ) %>%
pull (importance),
reticulate:: py$ fimp_df %>%
filter (type== 'permuted' ) %>%
pull (importance)
)[['p.value' ]]
pwilcox <-
wilcox.test (
reticulate:: py$ fimp_df %>%
filter (type== 'real' ) %>%
pull (importance),
reticulate:: py$ fimp_df %>%
filter (type== 'permuted' ) %>%
pull (importance)
)[['p.value' ]]
reticulate:: py$ fimp_df %>%
ggplot (aes (importance,fill= type)) +
geom_histogram (aes (y= after_stat (count)),alpha= .5 ,binwidth = .2 ) +
scale_fill_brewer (palette = 'Set1' ,direction = - 1 ,
guide= guide_legend (title= NULL )) +
theme_bw () +
labs (x= 'Importance of X in Predicting Y' ,
y= 'Number of X importance values' ,
caption= paste0 ('Wilcox p-value = ' ,scales:: scientific (pwilcox,3 ),' \n ' ,
'Kolmogorov-Smirnov p-value = ' ,scales:: scientific (pks,3 ),' \n ' ,
'Real X importance values are greater than Permuted X importance values' ))
Show The Code
pks <-
ks.test (
reticulate:: py$ ppred_df %>%
filter (type== 'real' & y_true== 1 ) %>%
pull (y_proba),
reticulate:: py$ ppred_df %>%
filter (type== 'permuted' & y_true== 1 ) %>%
pull (y_proba)
)[['p.value' ]]
pwilcox <-
wilcox.test (
reticulate:: py$ ppred_df %>%
filter (type== 'real' & y_true== 1 ) %>%
pull (y_proba),
reticulate:: py$ ppred_df %>%
filter (type== 'permuted' & y_true== 1 ) %>%
pull (y_proba)
)[['p.value' ]]
reticulate:: py$ ppred_df %>%
arrange (pt,bootstrap) %>%
ggplot (aes (y_proba,fill= factor (y_true),group= y_true)) +
geom_histogram (aes (y= after_stat (count)),alpha= .5 ,binwidth = .01 ) +
scale_fill_brewer (NULL ,
palette = 'Set1' ,
direction = - 1 ,
labels= c ("Class 0" ,"Class 1" ),
guide= guide_legend (title= NULL )) +
facet_wrap (~ type,ncol= 1 ,scales= 'free' ) +
theme_bw () +
labs (x= 'Prediction Probability' ,
y= 'Number of Prediction Probabilities' ,
caption = paste0 ('Wilcox p-value = ' ,scales:: scientific (pwilcox,3 ),' \n ' ,
'Kolmogorov-Smirnov p-value = ' ,scales:: scientific (pks,3 ),' \n ' ,
'Real Class 1 probabilities are greater than Permuted Class 1 probabilities' ))
These two examples show different metrics for defining a ‘powerful’ prediction. Here, a powerful prediction can only be defined by the combination of different components to describe how and to what degree a predictor X can predict a response Y. These components can come from the model learning process as well as the applying the model on new data i.e. a validation set. Defining a powerful prediction is difficult using only one quantitative metric, like the statistical tests shown in the plot captions. But a few metrics noted here (and probably others I’ve mistakingly overlooked) can accurately define a powerful prediction:
The average AUROC for the validation set should be more than 50%. To be more strict, the 95% confidence interval should be greater than 50% AUROC.
The importance value (beta coefficient for logistic regression) of X for predicting Y should be above the null association i.e. 0 and should barely overlap the importance values for a shuffled response. Statistical tests will probably produce a false positive by showing a small p-value, like here, so they shouldn’t be the metric in defining a powerful prediction.
There seems to be at least two takeaways from the distributions of the prediction probabilities. First, the distribution of the real predicted probabilities for class 1 need to be greater than that for class 0. Also the distribution of real, class 1 predicted probabilities need to be greater than the distribution of permuted, class 1 predicted probabilities.
I used a combination of the metrics referenced above in the papers published using MCCV. This article’s toy examples illustrate why these metrics are sensible for defining the power of a prediction given the data.